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Threaded Insert Installation Tools

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Product Type  
ID Thread Rotation  
Inside Thread  
  1. M2 x 0.4 6 items
  2. 2-56 11 items
  3. M2.2 x 0.45 8 items
  4. M2.5 x 0.45 10 items
  5. 3-48 5 items
  6. 3-56 5 items
  7. 4-40 11 items
  8. 4-48 7 items
  9. M3 x 0.5 12 items
  10. 1/8-40 5 items
  11. 5-40 11 items
  12. M3.5 x 0.6 8 items
  13. 6-32 11 items
  14. 6-40 10 items
  15. M4 x 0.7 12 items
  16. 8-32 12 items
  17. 8-36 10 items
  18. 3/16-24 5 items
  19. 10-24 13 items
  20. 10-32 12 items
  21. M5 x 0.5 2 items
  22. M5 x 0.8 13 items
  23. 12-24 12 items
  24. 12-28 9 items
  25. M6 x 0.75 2 items
  26. M6 x 1 14 items
  27. 1/4-20 16 items
  28. 1/4-26 5 items
  29. 1/4-28 13 items
  30. M7 x 1 11 items
  31. 5/16-18 16 items
  32. 5/16-22 6 items
  33. 5/16-24 12 items
  34. M8 x 1 10 items
  35. M8 x 1.25 14 items
  36. M9 x 1 7 items
  37. M9 x 1.25 7 items
  38. 3/8-16 14 items
  39. 3/8-20 5 items
  40. 3/8-24 12 items
  41. 1/8-28 5 items
  42. M10 x 1 11 items
  43. M10 x 1.25 12 items
  44. M10 x 1.5 14 items
  45. 1/8-27 5 items
  46. M11 x 1 7 items
  47. M11 x 1.25 8 items
  48. M11 x 1.5 7 items
  49. 7/16-14 9 items
  50. 7/16-18 5 items
  51. 7/16-20 9 items
  52. M12 x 1 7 items
  53. M12 x 1.25 12 items
  54. M12 x 1.5 11 items
  55. M12 x 1.75 12 items
  56. 1/2-12 4 items
  57. 1/2-13 8 items
  58. 1/2-16 4 items
  59. 1/2-20 8 items
  60. 1/4-19 2 items
  61. 1/4-18 2 items
  62. M14 x 1.25 4 items
  63. M14 x 1.5 5 items
  64. M14 x 2 6 items
  65. 9/16-12 5 items
  66. 9/16-18 6 items
  67. 5/8-11 7 items
  68. 5/8-14 5 items
  69. 5/8-18 6 items
  70. M16 x 1.5 6 items
  71. M16 x 2 9 items
  72. 3/8-19 2 items
  73. 3/8-18 2 items
  74. M18 x 1.5 6 items
  75. M18 x 2 4 items
  76. M18 x 2.5 7 items
  77. 3/4-10 7 items
  78. 3/4-12 2 items
  79. 3/4-16 6 items
  80. M20 x 1.5 5 items
  81. M20 x 2 4 items
  82. M20 x 2.5 5 items
  83. 1/2-14 3 items
  84. M22 x 1.5 6 items
  85. M22 x 2 5 items
  86. M22 x 2.5 5 items
  87. 7/8-11 3 items
  88. 7/8-14 8 items
  89. 7/8-18 3 items
  90. 7/8-9 8 items
  91. M24 x 1.5 5 items
  92. M24 x 2 5 items
  93. M24 x 3 6 items
  94. 1-10 3 items
  95. 1-12 5 items
  96. 1-14 6 items
  97. 1-8 8 items
  98. M26 x 1.5 4 items
  99. 3/4-14 5 items
  100. M27 x 1.5 4 items
  101. M27 x 2 4 items
  102. M27 x 3 4 items
  103. M28 x 1.5 4 items
  104. 1-1/8-12 5 items
  105. 1-1/8-7 4 items
  106. 1-1/8-8 4 items
  107. M30 x 1.5 4 items
  108. M30 x 2 4 items
  109. M30 x 3 4 items
  110. M30 x 3.5 4 items
  111. 1-1/4-12 4 items
  112. 1-1/4-7 3 items
  113. 1-1/4-8 3 items
  114. M33 x 2 3 items
  115. M33 x 3 3 items
  116. M33 x 3.5 3 items
  117. 1-11 2 items
  118. 1-11-1/2 1 item
  119. M34 x 1.5 4 items
  120. 1-3/8-12 5 items
  121. 1-3/8-6 4 items
  122. 1-3/8-8 4 items
  123. M36 x 1.5 4 items
  124. M36 x 2 4 items
  125. M36 x 3 4 items
  126. M36 x 4 4 items
  127. 1-1/2-12 4 items
  128. 1-1/2-6 4 items
  129. 1-1/2-8 4 items
  130. M39 x 3 4 items
  131. M39 x 4 4 items
  132. M42 x 3 3 items
  133. 1-5/8-8 3 items
  134. 1-1/4-11 1 item
  135. M42 x 4.5 3 items
  136. 1-3/4-8 3 items
  137. M45 x 2 3 items
  138. M45 x 4.5 3 items
  139. 1-7/8-8 3 items
  140. M48 x 3 3 items
  141. M48 x 5 3 items
  142. 2 in-8 3 items
  143. M52 x 3 3 items
  144. M52 x 5 3 items
  145. 2-1/8-8 3 items
  146. M54 x 3 3 items
  147. M56 x 3 3 items
  148. M56 x 4 3 items
  149. M56 x 5.5 3 items
  150. 2-1/4-8 3 items
  151. 2-3/8-8 3 items
  152. 2-1/2-8 2 items
  153. M64 x 3 3 items
  154. M64 x 4 3 items
  155. 2-5/8-8 3 items
  156. 2-3/4-8 3 items
  157. 2-7/8-8 3 items
  158. 3 in-8 3 items
  159. 3-1/8-8 3 items
  160. 3-1/4-8 3 items
  161. 3-3/8-8 3 items
  162. 3-1/2-8 3 items
Drill Size  
  1. 0.0820 (#45) 1 item
  2. 0.0935 (#42) 1 item
  3. 0.0938 (3/32) 1 item
  4. 0.1040 (#37) 1 item
  5. 0.1065 (#36) 1 item
  6. 0.1200 (#31) 1 item
  7. 0.1250 (1/8) 1 item
  8. 0.1285 (#30) 1 item
  9. 0.1360 (#29) 1 item
  10. 0.1440 (#27) 1 item
  11. 0.1495 (#25) 1 item
  12. 0.1540 (#23) 1 item
  13. 0.1563 (5/32) 1 item
  14. 0.1610 (#20) 1 item
  15. 0.1719 (11/64) 1 item
  16. 0.1730 (#17) 1 item
  17. 0.1875 (3/16) 1 item
  18. 0.1990 (#8) 1 item
  19. 0.2010 (#7) 1 item
  20. 0.2031 (13/64) 1 item
  21. 0.2188 (7/32) 1 item
  22. 0.2280 (#1) 1 item
  23. 0.2344 (15/64) 1 item
  24. 0.2362 (6mm) 1 item
  25. 0.2500 (1/4) 1 item
  26. 0.2570 (Letter F) 1 item
  27. 0.2610 (Letter G) 1 item
  28. 0.2656 (17/64) 1 item
  29. 0.2720 (Letter I) 1 item
  30. 0.2756 (7mm) 1 item
  31. 0.2813 (9/32) 1 item
  32. 0.3125 (5/16) 1 item
  33. 0.3281 (21/64) 1 item
  34. 0.3320 (Letter Q) 1 item
  35. 0.3390 (Letter R) 1 item
  36. 0.3438 (11/32) 1 item
  37. 0.3543 (9mm) 1 item
  38. 0.3594 (23/64) 1 item
  39. 0.3750 (3/8) 1 item
  40. 0.3860 (Letter W) 1 item
  41. 0.3906 (25/64) 1 item
  42. 0.3970 (Letter X) 1 item
  43. 0.4063 (13/32) 1 item
  44. 0.4130 (Letter Z) 1 item
  45. 0.4219 (27/64) 1 item
  46. 0.4331 (11mm) 1 item
  47. 0.4375 (7/16) 1 item
  48. 0.4532 (29/64) 1 item
  49. 0.4688 (15/32) 1 item
  50. 0.4724 (12mm) 1 item
  51. 0.4844 (31/64) 1 item
  52. 0.5000 (1/2) 1 item
  53. 0.5157 (33/64) 1 item
  54. 0.5313 (17/32) 1 item
  55. 0.5469 (35/64) 1 item
  56. 0.5625 (9/16) 1 item
  57. 0.5782 (37/64) 1 item
  58. 0.5938 (19/32) 1 item
  59. 0.6407 (41/64) 1 item
  60. 0.6563 (21/32) 1 item
  61. 0.6719 (43/64) 1 item
  62. 0.6875 (11/16) 1 item
  63. 0.7032 (45/64) 1 item
  64. 0.7188 (23/32) 1 item
  65. 0.7344 (47/64) 1 item
  66. 0.7657 (49/64) 1 item
  67. 0.7813 (25/32) 1 item
  68. 0.8125 (13/16) 1 item
  69. 0.8282 (53/64) 1 item
  70. 0.8438 (27/32) 1 item
  71. 0.8750 (7/8) 1 item
  72. 0.8907 (57/64) 1 item
  73. 0.9063 (29/32) 1 item
  74. 0.9219 (59/64) 1 item
  75. 0.9375 (15/16) 1 item
  76. 0.9688 (31/32) 1 item
  77. 1.0156 (1-1/64) 1 item
  78. 1.0313 (1-1/32) 1 item
  79. 1.0469 (1-3/64) 1 item
  80. 1.0625 (1-1/16) 1 item
  81. 1.0781 (1-5/64) 1 item
  82. 1.0938 (1-3/32) 1 item
  83. 1.1094 (1-7/64) 1 item
  84. 1.1250 (1-1/8) 1 item
  85. 1.1406 (1-9/64) 1 item
  86. 1.1563 (1-5/32) 1 item
  87. 1.1875 (1-3/16) 1 item
  88. 1.2031 (1-13/64) 1 item
  89. 1.2188 (1-7/32) 1 item
  90. 1.2500 (1-1/4) 1 item
  91. 1.2657 (1-17/64) 1 item
  92. 1.2813 (1-9/32) 1 item
  93. 1.3125 (1-5/16) 1 item
  94. 1.3281 (1-21/64) 1 item
  95. 1.3438 (1-11/32) 1 item
  96. 1.3594 (1-23/64) 1 item
  97. 1.3750 (1-3/8) 1 item
  98. 1.4063 (1-13/32) 1 item
  99. 1.4375 (1-7/16) 1 item
  100. 1.4531 (1-29/64) 1 item
  101. 1.4688 (1-15/32) 1 item
  102. 1.5000 (1-1/2) 1 item
  103. 1.5313 (1-17/32) 1 item
  104. 1.5625 (1-9/16) 1 item
  105. 1.5781 (1-37/64) 1 item
  106. 1.6250 (1-5/8) 1 item
  107. 1.6563 (1-21/32) 1 item
  108. 1.6875 (1-11/16) 1 item
  109. 1.7500 (1-3/4) 1 item
  110. 1.7969 (1-51/64) 1 item
  111. 1.8125 (1-13/16) 1 item
  112. 1.8750 (1-7/8) 1 item
  113. 1.9375 (1-15/16) 1 item
  114. 1.9488 (49.5mm) 1 item
  115. 2.0000 (2") 1 item
  116. 2.0938 (2-3/32) 1 item
  117. 2.1250 (2-1/8) 1 item
  118. 2.1563 (2-5/32) 1 item
  119. 2.2441 (57mm) 1 item
  120. 2.2500 (2-1/4) 1 item
  121. 2.2690 (2.269") 1 item
  122. 2.3750 (2-3/8) 1 item
  123. 2.5000 (2-1/2) 1 item
  124. 2.5625 (2-9/16) 1 item
  125. 2.6250 (2-5/8) 1 item
  126. 2.7500 (2-3/4) 1 item
  127. 2.8750 (2-7/8) 1 item
  128. 3.0000 (3") 1 item
  129. 3.1250 (3-1/8) 1 item
  130. 3.2500 (3-1/4) 1 item
  131. 3.3750 (3-3/8) 1 item
  132. 3.5000 (3-1/2) 1 item
Decimal Outside Diameter  
View as Grid List

Items 391-420 of 835

per page
Set Descending Direction
  1. M3.5 x 0.6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-B35B

    M3.5 x 0.6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $21.98 Regular Price $31.30
  2. M3 x 0.5 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-B30A

    M3 x 0.5 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $18.75 Regular Price $26.70
  3. M2.5 x 0.45 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-B259

    M2.5 x 0.45 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $27.28 Regular Price $38.85
  4. M2.2 x 0.45 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-B229

    M2.2 x 0.45 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $27.28 Regular Price $38.85
  5. M2 x 0.4 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-B208

    M2 x 0.4 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $30.28 Regular Price $43.13
  6. M14 x 1.25 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-C14H

    M14 x 1.25 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $62.97 Regular Price $89.68
  7. M12 x 1 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50V-C12F

    M12 x 1 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $47.77 Regular Price $68.03
  8. 1-1/2-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-150

    1-1/2-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $325.97 Regular Price $515.78
  9. 1-1/2-6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-150

    1-1/2-6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $328.81 Regular Price $494.30
  10. 1-3/8-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-137

    1-3/8-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $320.91 Regular Price $507.78
  11. 1-3/8-6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-137

    1-3/8-6 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $294.62 Regular Price $442.90
  12. 1-1/4-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-125

    1-1/4-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $293.04 Regular Price $440.53
  13. 1-1/4-7 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-125

    1-1/4-7 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $252.88 Regular Price $380.15
  14. 1-1/8-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-112

    1-1/8-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $244.69 Regular Price $367.85
  15. 1-1/8-7 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-112

    1-1/8-7 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $234.48 Regular Price $352.50
  16. 1-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50D-100S

    1-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $178.94 Regular Price $269.00
  17. 1-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-100

    1-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $178.94 Regular Price $269.00
  18. 1-8 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-100

    1-8 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $171.49 Regular Price $257.80
  19. 7/8-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-087

    7/8-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $129.70 Regular Price $184.70
  20. 7/8-9 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-087

    7/8-9 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $129.70 Regular Price $184.70
  21. 3/4-16 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-075

    3/4-16 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $83.95 Regular Price $119.55
  22. 3/4-10 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-075

    3/4-10 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $92.08 Regular Price $131.13
  23. 5/8-18 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-062

    5/8-18 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $70.83 Regular Price $100.88
  24. 5/8-11 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-062

    5/8-11 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $71.62 Regular Price $102.00
  25. 9/16-18 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-056

    9/16-18 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $65.45 Regular Price $93.20
  26. 9/16-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-056

    9/16-12 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $66.38 Regular Price $94.53
  27. 1/2-20 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-050

    1/2-20 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $36.73 Regular Price $52.30
  28. 1/2-13 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-050

    1/2-13 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $36.73 Regular Price $52.30
  29. 7/16-20 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50C-043

    7/16-20 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $32.06 Regular Price $45.65
  30. 7/16-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel

    Sku #: 35L7H1-1Z50B-043

    7/16-14 STI Bottoming Tap - High Speed Steel
    Special Price $34.23 Regular Price $48.75